Details about My Books
Seize the Moment 1
In my first installment of the four-book Seize the Moment devotional series you will walk through the 260 chapters of the New Testament. While you can easily read this book straight through, it is designed to take you on a one-year journey through the New Testament. This is the right place to start in the next step of your spiritual formation journey -- a long slow obedience of Christlikeness. This book has been used for personal, couples, and family devotion time, small group Bible study, and as a sermon starter for pastors. However you choose to use it, may you find rest for your soul in the easy yoke of Jesus, as you learn from Him how to be gentle and humble in heart.
Seize the Moment 2
In my second installment of the four-book Seize the Moment devotional series you will start an incredible, life-transforming journey through the Old Testament. This book takes you on the first stage of a three-year journey with the first 313 of the 929 chapters of the Old Testament. You will start with "In the beginning" in Genesis and end in the midst of the rich stories of Israel's history in 1 Kings. This book has been used for personal, couple, and family devotion time, small group Bible study, and as a sermon starter for pastors. However you choose to use it, may you prosper in your soul as you meditate upon God's Word day and night.
Seize the Moment 3
In my third installment of the four-book Seize the Moment devotional series you will continue your incredible, life-transforming journey through the Old Testament. This book takes you on the second stage of a three-year journey, through the next 315 chapters of the Old Testament. You will pick up where you left off, in 2 Kings, in the midst of the rich stories of Israel's history. After completing the history books, you will embark on the wisdom literature of the Old Testament, including a special 150-day prayer journey through the Psalms. May you taste and see that the Lord is good as you continue to meditate upon God's Word day and night.
Seize the Moment 4
In my final installment of the four-book Seize the Moment devotional series you will conclude your incredible, life-transforming journey through the Old Testament. This book takes you on the third stage of a three-year journey through the last 301 chapters of the Old Testament. You will conclude the wisdom literature with Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon. Then you will take an epic journey through the 250 chapters of the prophetic literature -- Isaiah through Malachi. This is a massive undertaking, which will not disappoint, as you will find encouragement to persevere in your faith until the end -- to live as a hope-bearer in your daily life. Finish Strong!
Live Like a Champion Today!
In my first installment of the Live Today discipleship trilogy, you are invited to train for godliness like a championship athlete. You, as well as the other members of God’s team in your local church or community, can learn to apply every Word of God to your daily life through an intensive 40-day training regimen, called “The 40 Promises in 40 Days Challenge!" This book will not only ground you deeply in the Bible, which is meant to be studied, memorized, and then applied so that you can experience God’s victory for your life today, but it will also give you the training regimen necessary to deeply root the promises of God into your heart and mind so that you can live like a champion today, every day, for the rest of your life, to the glory of God!
Live on Mission Today!
In my second installment of the Live Today discipleship trilogy, you are invited to train to respond to the Lord's calling like an elite soldier. As an Airborne Ranger-qualified Infantry Officer serving in a rapid-deployment unit (2-505 PIR), I learned the value of training the battle drills. In this book, you will be trained on how to respond to your situations reflexively, instinctively, and habitually. Regardless of how much you know about God or say you love Him, if you haven’t trained yourself according to the soldier training regimen, as taught in this book, you will be hijacked by your circumstances, driven by your feelings, or engulfed by your nervous system. Taking you through each chapter of Proverbs, this book teaches you how to execute the battle drills of the Bible, the Christian Soldier's Field Manual, according to the Commander’s intent when it matters the most -- Live on Mission Today!
Live Strong in God's Grace Today!
Coming in 2025
The third & final installment in the Live Today! discipleship trilogy.
I am excited to share with you that the raw materials are completed. My plan is to work on them this winter, partaking on the exciting journey of crafting a manuscript from this abundance of materials, so that you can learn how to grow strong in God's grace, based on the vocational imagery of a "hard working farmer" (2 Timothy 2:6).
Digging into the agricultural imagery of God's Word, specifically gleaning from Jesus' parables, I will teach you the faithful farmer's four-step strategy to harvesting a large crop yield. Illustrated by the good seed of the transforming stories of faith from Hebrews 11, I seek to help you learn how to reap a harvest of praise in your life, by the power of the Holy Spirit, and to the glory of God. In Christ, you will bear much fruit!